There are many reasons a dishwasher may not be working. Some of the most common issues can easily be solved by you. Please read through the below options and follow the instructions and if the problem persists please submit a maintenance request and include a photo of the exterior of the dishwasher and the manufacturer, model and serial number of the dishwasher. 

If your dishwasher won't turn on and we have replaced the garbage disposal in the last few days, please login to your tenant portal and submit a maintenance request and mention that the garbage disposal has recently been replaced. If the disposal is working fine and you have tried resetting the electrical breaker in the main circuit breaker box, please login to your tenant portal and submit a maintenance request and mention that the you have attempted resetting the breaker.  

If your dishwasher isn't draining or the dishes are not getting clean, the majority of the time the filters in the dishwasher need to be cleaned. Most manufacturers recommend cleaning the dishwasher filters monthly. For exact instructions on cleaning the filters in your dishwasher, it is best to Google the manufacturer and model number and find the owner's manual. Follow the instructions in the owner's manual.

Below are photos of two types of dishwashers that are most commonly found. Some dishwashers have filters are easily visible and some dishwashers just look like a screen on the bottom of the tub. Your filters might have food or debris causing the issues with dishwasher not cleaning or draining correctly. The filter(s) can be removed, cleaned, reinserted and tested to be sure the dishwasher is now working properly. If you can't find the owner's manual by googling the manufacturer and model number or still just need a visual aid click on the YouTube video that looks the most like the bottom of your dishwasher tub and the video will demonstrate how to clean the filters in your dishwasher.

If your dishwasher looks like this without a visible filter watch this video from Cameron Lewis.


If your dishwasher has a visible filter watch this YouTube video from Colleen Salpini.


If after cleaning the filters the issues haven't been resolved please submit a maintenance request and mention that you attempted cleaning the filter in the dishwasher and the issue hasn't gotten any better.  To get the dishwasher working again we will contract with a local appliance repair company that is certified to work on that brand of appliance. In order to expediate your dishwasher maintenance request we ask that you include the manufacturer, model and serial number of the dishwasher. It is also extremely helpful to include photos of the manufacturer sticker with the model and serial number and a second photo of the front of the appliance and a third photo showing the inside of the dishwasher. The appliance company will reach out to you directly to schedule an appointment, so please make sure to answer all calls coming into your phone when you are waiting for a repair.

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