Garbage Disposals stop working usually because they are jammed. Please follow the instructions set forth below PRIOR to submitting a maintenance request.
In the event that your Garbage Disposal is leaking out of the bottom - IMMEDIATETLY submit a maintenance request stating it is leaking out of the bottom and upload photos.
The first step is to reset the disposal. The reset button is generally located on the very bottom of the disposal and is a little button (like the red button on the top left of the picture. If you push this button and try to turn it back on it may begin working. If it does not begin working it means something is jammed in the disposal or the disposal is burnt out and broken. If something is jammed, you will hear a humming noise for a few seconds and then the disposal will shut down again. Click on the button below to watch a youtube video from American Home Shield demonstrating how to reset your Garbage Disposal with the Reset Button.
Turn the disposal off and unplug the disposal if it has an electrical plug.
If an Allen Wrench is available: (on most models) using an Allen Wrench, insert the wrench into the space on the bottom of the disposal. Once inserted, begin turning the Allen wrench to free the blades until they spin freely. Once the blades spin freely, clean out any debris that is loose in the disposal.
If an Allen Wrench is not available: Ensure the disposal is turned off and unplugged. Never put your hands in a garbage disposal that has not been turned off and unplugged. Reach into the disposal to try and turn the blades. If the blades will not move then there is something wedged between the blades and the walls of the disposal. If you can, loosen the blades, remove any debris that may be causing the jam and clean out the garbage from the disposal.
Plug the disposal back into the electrical socket.
Turn on the water and flip the disposal on and let the disposal run for approximately one minute. This should clean the inside and clear any other debris.
The most common reason for a jam in the disposal is that food is placed in the disposal instead of being scraped into the garbage can. Please note, garbage disposals are not food processors.
Disposals are not intended to replace your garbage can!
Submit a maintenance request through your online tenant portal. Please list all the steps that you completed and notate that none of those steps have been successful at fixing your disposal.
82 N. Main Street